Monday, December 13, 2010

United State of America

I love America ! I grew up with everything that deal with that Country ... but what hurt me the most is that America will be destroy by God ... It has stated in Revelation chapter 17-18 ! I really pray God have mercy upon them before that event happen ! America is the future Babylonian that was mention in the Bible and prophecy by John , Isaiah , Jeremiah and many more ! God judgement of this country is gonna be severely terrible ... is even worst than Sodom & Gomorrah and the origin Babylonian ! During the time of Sodom & Gomorrah ,  there is no such things of pornograhy video or internet . But yet the Lord of Israel destroy them because of sexual . Sexual sin is the worst sin according to the Bible ! While I was reading about the destruction of America , my heart was so burden and destroy . I seriously plan to go there soon . Since a child , I alway wanted to own an American citizenship.... guess tat won't happen ! but a holiday there must be a must ! The nation of America will be destroy in less than an hour according to the bible .... I trust every words the Bible said ! Because it lead me to the future acordingly ! America need to be destroy in order the following event to occur mean the returning of Jesus ! then the next will be the tribulation which there is one world government and the rise of hte Anti-Christ ! It seriously killing me inside ! sometime i really dun understand our God .... I mean does not He know what is going on in the Future ? Hell was not created for us , but why still God know many will go to hell and why let it happen ? This is something I can't question because I am not the creater ! Can you ever imagine America no longer existed ? I will go insane i tell you .... The end time is s near than I never thought ! is gonna happen in this generation .... Many thing Malaysian does not noe wats happening out there because some people does not allow us to know ... there are so many things happening out there and we are still not alert .... we better thank our God for livng here although I am not proud of it ! I can't imagine hollywood and all the celebrities will be gone ! Juz vanish !  Now Revelation 17 and 18 specifically then must be dual, they speak of America and the entire later Mother Babylonian system. This is why Rev 18 and 14 say "Babylon has fallen (1), has fallen (2)". It's dual, and not limited to one fulfillment. American, called technically a daughter of Babylon by Jeremiah and Isaiah, can only fall once. Then the full and final embodiment of Babylon, The Beast, will fall 3½ years later when Messiah vaporizes its armies. cry me a river ....

Revelation 18 also tells people to leave America before she falls so to not take part in her sins and the judgment on them. Rev 18:4-5 — 4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

I strongly pray that God have mercy upon America !

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